

19 – 20 May 2024

Exhibition and Trade Center EXPO XXI, Warszawa – Centrum, ul. Prądzyńskiego 12/14



Sunday 10.00-18.00

Monday 10.00-17.00



Our Ten Core Values

When you visit us, you deserve a seamless, pleasant experience from beginning to end. Our Ten Core Values are what we lean on to make that happen. They illustrate an alchemy of several different components, from our focused business model to the way we recruit and reward our amazing team. Here’s what they mean to us:

Professionalism & Accountability
What we do at Globe Salon is not a hobby or something to pass the time. It is our passion and our profession. This means we take our jobs seriously, and we hold each other accountable to the highest standards of character, conduct and ethics throughout our organization. We also hold ourselves accountable to you and do our very best to engender your trust.

Guest Service, Satisfaction & Value
We work hard to provide Globe Salon guests with an exceptional level of service. We listen, we anticipate, and we truly enjoy assisting you to the best of our ability. We also structure our fees to be as straightforward and inclusive as possible, as well as competitive for what we offer. All of this helps us to achieve a very high level of guest satisfaction.

Creativity & Artistry
Ours is a creative trade, and we recruit those who can successfully meld creativity with professionalism. We love to stretch our legs by styling editorial photo shoots, working backstage at fashion shows, and more. Think of Globe Salon the same way you may think of an advertising agency, a magazine publisher, or any other educated, highly-trained team of creative professionals working together to achieve something beautiful and on time.

Friendly, Warm & Welcoming
We know you have plenty of salons from which to choose. Globe Salon does not take your choice to trust us for granted. We appreciate every phone call, every visit, and are happy to see each and every one of you. The only attitude you get from us is a good one.

Cleanliness & Maintenance
Globe Salon understands that providing personal services is more than just what happens in the chair. It’s how comfortable you feel in our space and how relaxed you can be when visiting us. And we know that a lot of that comes from the space itself. Globe Salon is an intimate, highly trafficked salon, but we adhere to a cleaning and maintenance schedule that keeps it looking fresh and instills confidence.

Enthusiasm for Our Profession
Globe Salon’s team is comprised of passionate professionals, thanks to a recruiting and hiring process that ensures that only passionate professionals pass muster. We are not in this business by accident; we are here because we want to be. Just as importantly, our salon’s training, education, benefits and work environment go a long way to maintaining that enthusiasm. Globe Salon is where a salon career goes to thrive.

Team Oriented
Plenty of workplaces lay claim to a team-oriented atmosphere; Globe Salon lives it. We all have a vested interest in the satisfaction of every guest that visits us. To this end, we work together, share knowledge, teach classes, hold each other up when things get tough, and hold each other accountable when necessary. We’re a family.

Community Involvement
Globe Salon recognizes that we are a small part of a greater community — and that’s not just our immediate community, but the entire Las Vegas metropolitan area and beyond. As citizens of our community, we do what we can to give back by participating in charities, donating services and products, and sharing our time. We have also self-produced a series of very successful fundraisers called Fashion Fling. So far, Globe Salon has donated more than $50,000 to non-profits in our community.

Career Growth & Education
When licensed professionals join our team, they must work though our formal Boot Camp Program before performing critical services on our guests. That sets the bar for education and for performance expectations, but it doesn’t stop there. We are dedicated to continuing education that keeps our skills fresh. From in-salon classes to hair shows, from salon-wide advanced courses to sending individual team members to California and New York for intense training, Globe Salon knows that our profession requires constant learning.

Brand Awareness
In October 2000, Globe Salon opened as an unknown business with a big vision. In the years since, our team has set the standard and given life to that vision. We respect the fact that when you call or you visit us for the first time, or the fiftieth, you have expectations of us. Our goal is to never let you down and to exceed those expectations. Our name now sets the standard for us.


Why a Haircut Made This Entrepreneur Decide to Become

Throughout times, people have worn their hair in a wide variety of styles, largely determined by the fashions of the culture they live in. Hairstyles are markers and signifiers of social class, age, marital status, racial identification, political beliefs, and attitudes about gender.

Some people may cover their hair totally or partially for cultural or religious reasons. Notable examples of head covering include women in Islam who wear the hijab, married women in Haredi Judaism who wear the sheitel, married Himba men who cover their hair except when in mourning, Tuareg men who wear a veil, and baptized men and women in Sikhism who wear the dastar.

The oldest known reproduction of hair braiding lies back about 30,000 years: the Venus of Willendorf, now known in academia as the Woman of Willendorf, of a female figurine from the Paleolithic, estimated to have been made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE. The Venus of Brassempouy counts about 25,000 years old and indisputably shows hairstyling.

In ancient civilizations, women’s hair was often elaborately and carefully dressed in special ways. Women coloured their hair, curled it, and pinned it up (ponytail) in a variety of ways. They set their hair in waves and curls using wet clay, which they dried in the sun and then combed out, or else by using a jelly made of quince seeds soaked in water, or curling tongs and curling irons of various kinds.